Monday, October 6, 2008

Solo Week: The Prelude

Today was a swim day.  As usual, Jessica and I went over to the pool after she got off work and swam.  It went alright.  I continue to feel more and more comfortable in the water (stroking) and I seem to be swallowing less (no tridelt jokes please) so that's good.  We had to get out early though because for some reason (which neither Jessica nor I understood) lightning outside and a few miles away is dangerous to people swimming in an indoor pool.  I think they just wanted an excuse to close early...especially since the soccer team was still practicing under the big metal lights when we drove home. 
Anyways...this coming week, from Tuesday to Sunday, I'm on my own.  I won't be able to work out with Jessica at all during that time.  I think I've mentioned before that my personal motivation is somewhat less than stellar. I've got a week of nothing but personal motivation to keep me going. 
This should be interesting.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love to work out.  I love pushing my limits and proving people wrong, but therein lies my problem: I have to be competing.  I can't "compete" against myself.  Trust me, I've tried.  It doesn't work.  I need someone, just a few steps ahead of me, taunting me (not literally), egging me on, daring me to go faster to pass them.  I (unfortunately) need some completely innocent bystander to be the target of my stubborn anger. I know this sounds overly dramatic, but it's true. I need to be able to convince myself that I have something to prove, and when I'm by myself, this is incredibly difficult.
Tomorrow is a double day, so I have to run and bike all on my own.  Sigh...wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll do just fine. probably even GREAT! It's amazing the inner strength we have in ourselves that lets us accomplish things we don't think we can do. if that inner strength doesn't work you can always come to Las Vegas and train with me. I'm sure you can kick my butt and get me moving harder than ever.
Speaking of motivation. The reason why I hired Brad as my trainer is that he sure helps provide me the motivation and support I need to do what I do. I know that I wouldn't have lost all this weight, 110 pounds to date, without all that he does for me. he pushes me when I need it and sets me straight when I falter or have an attitude.
So be patient and know that you can do this.
Take it easy...